Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Introducing: Spencer Owen

Spencer’s Story:

On Wednesday, July 10th at 3:45, I went for my 40 week appointment … and was surprised to find out I was already half way dilated! I had been feeling kind of queasy and exhausted all day, but I hadn’t been feeling many contractions. So, between my blood pressure being on the high side and the dilation, the docs decided to admit me to the hospital to be monitored. They always take extra precautions with moms with previous C-Sections, so they wouldn’t even let me drive home to meet Tim. Our wonderful friend Harper met Tim at the house to play with Alex while my parents hit the road from Spartanburg and Tim arrived at the hospital just as I had finished getting admitted.

Then the wait began! The OB broke my water around 9:00 pm and my contractions were strong enough to ask for an epidural around 2:00 am. By 5:00 am, the OB decided to give me a few drops of pitocin since my labor had stalled – and let me tell you, that did the trick! Between 8:00 and 9:00, I was able to feel the contractions through the epidural and started begging for more. By the time the new meds kicked in, I was fully dilated and ready to push! So, I pushed for 50 minutes and welcomed an 8 lb, 13 oz and 22 in long baby boy into the world at 9:50 am on July 11th, Spencer’s due date. What an amazing experience! I’m so glad to have been able to experience labor and remember Spencer’s birth, as I don’t remember much at all of Alex’s C-Section.


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