Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Build Your Own Boat Festival

On Saturday, we took the boys to the Build Your Own Boat Festival at the National White Water Center. It was a cooler, cloudy day – definitely not your typical Saturday in August – but it was perfect for playing outside for hours! We found a perfect place to watch the fun, just past the first rapids. Basically, groups of 1-4 people had to make their own boats out of materials that float, but aren’t sharp. Then they were judged on the boat staying in one piece and the riders staying in the boat through all the rapids. The very first boat flipped and flew apart on the first rapids, and sweet Alex was so concerned and asked to go home. It took a lot of convincing and proving that everyone was ok and were just playing a game! Here are some pictures of my favorite boats and the boys climbing in the kids’ climbing area.

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The first boat capsized at the first rapids.
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Alex was impressed by the truck boat.
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Yes, that is OJ Simpson and his infamous white bronco …. right before the whole boat fell apart.
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My favorite boat and the eventual winner.
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Worried Alex and mesmerized Spencer.
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Alex cheesing it up by the duck boat.
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We went back to these climbing rocks 3 times!
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Spencer had fun, too!
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Come on, Spencer!
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Another drool monster loving Daddy’s shoulders.

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