Sunday, June 17, 2012

Meet My New Pet, Alex


Tim, Alex, Kovu, and I ventured up to Spartanburg, SC to see Grandparents, Great-Grandparents, and friends for a long weekend. We left Thursday night around 7, getting in to Grandma and Grandpa Murff’s house close to 1:00 in the morning. Even though it was a long ride, Alex did really well! Daddy rode in back with him most of the way and kept him fed and happy. Considering that we drove from 3:00 – 8:00 on Sunday with only a brief nap, Alex did very well on the way back home. It’s great to know he does well on road trips, because we’re ready to start taking more of them!

We were too busy playing to take many pictures, but I did manage to capture this special moment. Alex was captivated by Kovu’s crate and loved crawling inside and closing the door. The moment is all the more special because he’d pulled off a sock and was looking particularly crazy with his wild hair. I love this boy!

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