Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Alex began his first class and met his first teacher, Ms. Cindy, on Monday. We are attending a Kindermusik class for toddlers that runs for 10 weeks. One of our friends from our MOMS Club is in the class with us, which made Monday a little less scary for me. Alex, on the other hand, was pretty scared! In order to not distract the little people (the class is for 18 months – 3 years) we don’t bring our bags in the classroom (at a church). This means I wasn’t able to take pictures, but that ended up being a very good thing since Alex climbed me like a tree for most of the 45 minute class. I think he was most bothered by the closed door! He knew there were toys in the lobby, I guess. He did calm down from time to time and seemed to enjoy listening to Ms. Cindy sing. Hopefully listening to the songs in the car on our new cd will help get him ready for next week’s class. I’ll keep you updated!

Since I wasn’t able to take pictures during class, I snapped a few at the park where we ran off steam after class. We happened to be right under the flight pattern for the airport, so we saw lots of really close airplanes. Any time Alex hears anything remotely sounding like an airplane, he stops what he is doing to stare at the sky. The poor boy has my lack of coordination – I can’t walk and drink water and he can’t walk and look for airplanes!

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Here’s my personal favorite picture of the week:


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