Monday, January 7, 2013

Moving On Up

We have been sitting on some more BIG news for a few weeks, and it’s been killing us! Now, you may ask what is bigger than having another baby? How about moving again? We are moving to Charlotte for Tim’s dream job – he is taking over as the senior software engineer for Rubbermaid’s medical division! All he has to do all day is think, write code, test code, and think some more … and he gets to wear jeans while he’s at it! This is an amazing move for his career and I couldn’t be prouder! Another plus is that we’ll be 2 hours from our Spartanburg and Columbia families and friends, rather than the 4-5 hours to Wilmington. Oh, and I can’t forget to mention we’ll be living in the same city as my BFF Katherine! It’s been 6 years since I’ve lived in the same city as one of my BFFs!!

The hardest part about the move is that Alex and I have made some really great friends in Wilmington. Luckily, he is truly a social butterfly, making it easy to find new friends. Plus, there are tons of moms clubs and places to go to meet other families. If only I could bring the beach along with us …

Packing with a 2-year-old around is a bit challenging, but at least Alex knows how to make anything & everything fun, especially if he can involve his trucks! He found this little hole in our boxes and claimed it as his own. Notice how Daddy took Alex’s box idea and just ran with it!

Alex loves his new fort!

Standing on a box of books and driving (and dropping) his trucks everywhere!

My, how this fort has grown!

Daddy reaching through the top to feed our little monkey a snack.

1 comment:

  1. How cute is this and how exciting for your growing family ! Congratulations to your hubs and best of luck to him! It was a pleasure meeting you and your little man and we will miss you but will be happy to watch Alex grow from a distance. we will always remember him and think of you guys on December 7!
