Friday, September 20, 2013

Aviation Museum & Airport Overlook

Since Spencer was healing so well last weekend, we decided to take Grandma and Grandpa to the Carolinas Aviation Museum and the CLT Airport Overlook. We had so much fun! Alex was super excited to go to the Aviation Museum, especially after we told him he would see an airplane that had crashed in the water. (Spend 10 minutes with Alex and you know that he is obsessed with everything crashing!) The “Miracle on the Hudson” is parked permanently in the Aviation Museum. It absolutely took my breath away to see the damage on the plane and to see the pictures of the rescue in the Hudson. Amazing. Can you believe I didn’t take any pictures of it? I was too busy chasing Alex around and trying to get him to sit still long enough to get a picture of him! Oh well, guess we’ll have to go back!

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Alex loved playing with all the controls in an actual cockpit.
Daddy, this is how you kill engine # 1.
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Cutest pilot ever! Would you let him fly your plane?
Sitting in the F4 Phantom

After the museum, we decided to check out the airport overlook. I’ve wanted to take Alex since we moved here, but didn’t want to go by ourselves without checking it out with Daddy. Now we know that it’s an awesome park, it feels safe, and you can definitely see lots of airplanes!


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