Thursday, February 13, 2014

Spencer is 7 months!

My baby boy is growing up too quickly! Over the past month, Spencer has learned how to army crawl across the room, can sit for several minutes on his own, has his first two teeth, and has become quite a talker! He says, “hi, ba, da, blah” and makes a bunch of other cute baby noises. He is a very happy boy, unless he is hungry or tired, and is still obsessed with Alex. Oh, and he has gotten very good at putting himself to sleep! He still only really naps once a day, but I put him down awake, and he sleeps for 3 hours. Hooray! That makes nap time in the this house a bit easier. Enjoy the pictures:

Spencer loves posing for my camera.
Bath time is quite a messy affair!
This boy tries pulling up on everything! We actually need to lower his crib mattress this week …
It is hard work getting a non-blurry photo of a 7-month-old’s teeth!
Spencer loves helping me in the kitchen!
Alex 7.5 months
Alex, 7.5 months
Spencer, 7 months

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