Monday, July 8, 2013

Waiting for Baby

I actually have everything checked off my “nesting” list, so we are just waiting for Baby at this point. Friday’s 39 week check-up went well and I am scheduled to go back in on Wednesday. After lots of reading and soul-searching, I decided to cancel Thursday’s scheduled C-Section and to let him appear when he is ready. Of course, there’s no guarantee he won’t end up as a C-Section like Alex when the time comes, but at least this baby won’t be induced and stressed out.

So, how are we keeping busy in the meantime? With lots of play, of course!

photo 1
We paint in the art studio/upstairs playroom/guest bedroom/office.
photo 2
We crash trucks in the water.
photo 3
Alex and Tim have been moving rocks from the back of the yard to the patio.
photo 4
And we’ve all been trying to rest as much as possible! Look at that sweet boy hugging Clifford.

Baby Brother, we are all ready to meet you!

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