Sunday, December 22, 2013

Alex is 3 Years Old!

Remember this little guy? He’s come a long way, hasn’t he?

Alex on oxygen

It’s amazing to think I’ve been a Mommy to Alex for 3 years now! These past three years have been the most amazingly awesome years of my life and I can’t wait to see what other adventures life with Alex will bring me.

Here are his stats from his 3 year check-up:

Height: 37.5 in … 45 %ile (gained 2.5 inches since last year)

Weight: 33 lbs, 13 oz … 72 %ile (gained about 6.5 lbs since last year)

Alex and Spencer posing by the Christmas tree at our pediatrician’s office.

A fun montage of videos from the past 2 months.

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