Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Spencer is 4 Months!

We went to our pediatrician for Spencer’s 4 month check-up today! It’s hard to believe he’s been here for 4 months already! He is definitely meeting all his milestones and is ready to meet more – he rolls both ways and scoots around on his belly. He is also rolling over in his sleep … looks like he is going to be a belly sleeper like the rest of the family. When he is propped up, he tries to sit all the way up by himself. Spencer also loves to smile and talk, especially when he has someone to smile and talk back at him. He is getting on a pretty good schedule, but still doesn’t nap much during the day. I guess it’s hard to nap with a crazy (almost) 3-year-old in the house! He is still drooling like crazy and gnaws on anything he can get into his mouth.

Here are Spencer’s 4 month stats:

Height: 26.5 inches … 89th %ile (he’s grown 2.5 inches since Sept’s visit) *Looks like he’ll be a tall one: Alex was 25 inches at 4 months!

Weight: 16 pounds … 54th %ile (he’s gained about 2.5 lbs since Sept’s visit) *Alex weighed about the same at 4 months.

Head: 43 cm … 80th %ile (he’s grown 1.5 cm since Sept’s visit)


I love doing this part every month! I have so much fun looking back at old pictures and comparing the two boys.

Alex, 4.5 months
Spencer, 4 months

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