Monday, June 23, 2014

Bird Houses & Father’s Day

Alex loves watching the birds in our backyard … and the birds love our bird feeders. Here is a conversation with Alex at dinner the Friday before Father’s Day:

Alex: “Where the birds go when it rains?”

Me: “They sit in the bushes or trees so they don’t get as wet.”

Alex (with a frown): “The birds are sad when it rains. The water bothers their heads. Birds need a house for birds.”

Tim: “This weekend, we’ll make some houses for the birds.”

Alex: “Yay! I so excited for the birds to have houses.” 

Tim seemed very happy to spend his Father’s Day weekend building bird houses and a new roof for the sandbox. My gift to him? I cut that massive yard of ours!

Tim spent Father’s Day building bird houses. Alex loved them and was excited to paint them.
Alex hogging all the guacamole.
Spencer took a long nap, then happily played in the water while the rest of us were at work.
Afterwards, the boys had fun with the swing. I love that Alex can push Spencer!

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