Thursday, June 26, 2014

He Can Steer!

It’s been almost 2 years since we got Alex’s power wheel and he’s finally figured out how to steer! I guess a regular battery wasn’t good enough for him – it took Tim souping up his “engine” with a lithium battery from work to really get Alex excited enough to steer. Oh my cautious boy!

Now he drives all over the yard and loves having people riding along with him. His first guest was Lydia, my friend Amy’s not-so-little-anymore-girl, when they visited last week. They were so cute! One would drive around the yard, then they would scurry to switch places and the other would drive. I guess having a friend was more fun than driving along, because Alex asked Spencer to ride along the next day!

Lydia and Alex having a blast in the jeep!
photo 1
Don’t worry – Spencer has a rope across his lap as a seat belt, and he was actually really good at holding on!
photo 2 (1)
Poor Spencer was so tired, so no big smiles this time.

If you want to read more about Amy’s visit (our friend from Wilmington), check out this post from her blog. She took more pictures than me and has been a bit more up-to-date than me on her blog: Water Fun with the Harleysyou’ll want to scroll about half way down the post to find the pictures of the boys. And here is a pic of all 4 after a fun morning at Discovery Place Kids.

Discovery Place with Harleys

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