Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lazy 5 Ranch

On Wednesday, I decided I needed to take my boys on an adventure. The weather was just too perfect to run errands or hang around the house. So, we packed up the cooler and jumped in the car for 40 minutes to Dan Nicholas Park in Salisbury. I’ve been wanting to try out this park since we moved here. They have a small train and carousel, which I knew would be closed during the week in the fall, but I thought the petting zoo, barn, and aquarium would still be open. Turns out, I was wrong! I was so bummed! Thank goodness for technology and smart phones – I looked up another park I had been wanting to try and pulled up the map. I had to bribe Alex with a milkshake, then we were on our way.

We ended up going to Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville. Oh my gosh, what an adventure it was! I knew they had an animal safari, but I thought we’d be able to take their wagon ride. Of course, that has to be done with a reservation. So … we rode through the animal park in my Altima with Alex in the front passenger seat and Spencer in my lap (after about 15 minutes and realizing he’d be quite safe going 5 miles an hour) and fed all kinds of animals. We made quite the mess of my car, but it was SO MUCH FUN! We definitely had to drive through the car wash and vacuum out my car when we got home to get rid of the animal slobber and feed.

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Alex loved feeding the sheep and goats in the petting zoo area before our safari.
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Spencer started pretending to throw food, so I gave him some feed. He loved it, too!
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My sweet boys posing together!
The boys also had fun playing on the hay bales (shaped like a giant tractor).
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Alex, King of the Mountain!
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Then, the real fun began! We fed zebras, llamas, deer, pigs, emus, ostriches … so many animals!
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Can you believe I had a zebra head inside of my Altima?
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We would have been able to feed the giraffes through the sunroof, but the wagon ride was in the way.
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Spencer was entranced by the buffalo … and waved “hi” to the emus and ostriches. 
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Alex took this picture from the sunroof.
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Alex’s favorite spot was hanging out of the sunroof. Only problem was Spencer kept hitting the wiper fluid and spraying Alex.
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Alex also loved the playground (it was a pirate ship!)

We can’t wait to take Daddy and ride the wagon!

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