Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Spencer is 15 Months!

Late is better than never, right? Spencer’s 15 month well child check was last week. It was so nice to take him in while Alex was in preschool! It always seems like one of the boys ends up sick after a well child check, so it helpful to just have one child to keep an eye on! Spencer did very well and only had to get 2 shots. He was so NOT happy about those shots, though. Ugh!

Spencer is a very rambunctious toddler! He thrives on negative attention and knows when he’s doing something naughty, but does it anyway. It definitely seems like we have to keep more of an eye on him, but maybe that’s because this house is much larger and has so much more stuff than the house in Wilmington. While he is a handful, he also loves to be helpful. He always helps me pick up, stopping every few minutes to clap for himself. He is also very chatty! He says, “dog, dada, mama, ball, truck, more, door, thank you, please, shoe, ish (goldfish)” and probably a few more I can think of right now. Our nonverbal communication is going really well, too! He points to what he wants, or tries to pull or push me in the direction he needs me to go. Definitely gets his points across! He still holds his own with Alex – and they are fast becoming best friends.

Here are Spencer’s 15 month stats!

Height: 32.5 inches … 90 %ile (grew 2.5 inches since July) Alex was 31 inches

Weight: 25 lbs, 6 oz … 83 %ile (gained almost 2 lbs) Alex was 25 lb, 8 oz

Head: 48.3 cm … 86 %ile (stayed about the same) Alex was 49.25 cm

Here are Alex and Spencer at 15 months:

Alex, 15 months
Spencer, 15 months

It’s so amazing how different they look!

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