Sunday, December 7, 2014

Alex’s 4th Birthday Party

Time has gotten away from us … how is Alex 4 years old already? What a crazy, sweet, energetic BIG boy we have on our hands now! We had a great fire truck themed party over the weekend. The weather did not cooperate, so it was good I had already planned chili and chicken nuggets and a few inside games. We invited 3 friends from preschool (1 couldn’t make it), 4 friends from our playgroup (1 couldn’t make it), and our two friends from Spartanburg. After adding in parents, we definitely had a full house! Here are some pictures of our fun

If you want to go back in time to Alex’s other birthdays, here are the links:

1st Birthday2nd Birthday3rd Birthday

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This is the invitation we sent out.
Fireman hats and stickers for decorating as our icebreaker.
Alex spent a lot of time on this end of the food table!
We made a giant cookie cake and cookie cake cupcakes with buttercream frosting. Delicious! Tim did an amazing job with the fire truck, don’t you think?
Alex is ready to party with his party hat and his new shirt from my parents.
The boys decided to serenade us.
We played “Pin the Tail on the Dalmation”. The boys were surprisingly interested and willing to play!
After a picnic dinner, we opened presents and played for a while. This was the calm before the storm … after cake, the boys were chasing each other in a circle around our house. Pandemonium!
Blowing out his candles!
Our 4 year old!
Alex and his BFF, Ethan.

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