Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ice Storm, 2015

We’ve had a pretty disappointed 4-year-old on our hands! He was so excited for snow and building a snowman and having a snowball fight. Too bad we just got ice! Alex was a great helper before the ice started on Monday. He and I bundled up while Spencer napped so we could clean up the backyard and salt the driveway for Daddy. It actually started snowing a little while we were out, then the ice started just as we went in.

I’m curious to see if Tim will make it to work tomorrow. School’s been cancelled again. I know the main roads will be salted, but getting up the hill in our neighborhood will be a challenge!

*If you want to read about last winter’s snow, click here. If you want to go even further back, click here for our 2013 snow storm.*

He was so proud of his poop collecting abilities!
Salting the driveway.
Spencer was so worried he’d be left in the house, he wouldn’t let the tag off his boots.
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Our attempt at sledding. I guess it’s time to buy some real sleds! We have a great driveway for it.
Walking the street with Daddy.

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