Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lego Geniuses at Work

**Woo Hoo!! I just realized this is my 400th blog post!**

My boys LOVE playing with blocks of all kinds. We have the original Legos, we have Lego Duplos, we have Mega Bloks, we have foam blocks, and we have an odd assortment of random blocks as well. I have so much fun seeing them create and play for hours. I don’t even mind picking them up since Spencer loves to help throw them in the box.

Flying Bulldozer
Hover Craft Fan Boat
Spencer was so proud of his choo-choo-choo! He’s been working hard on hooking them together.
He actually searched the pile for this particular block to build a tower. Great sorting!
A house with a patterned foundation and “room for air” at the top.

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