Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Always Learning

I know I say it all the time, but it is so amazing to watch Alex learn new things. I used to find it amazing how much a 4th grader would learn over the course of the 180 day school year ... but watching a toddler learn multiple new things every day is just fascinating! Here are just a few examples and pictures of what Alex has learned or surprised us with over the past few days.

Daddy was washing the pollen off our cars while I was doing a few things upstairs. When I came down, I found Alex stomping around in a puddle (with a little encouragement from Daddy). While we were watching and about to take a few pictures, Alex just picked up the hose and started staring in amazement at the water. I managed to catch a brief video before he got himself completely soaked and cold.

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I bought a little chair for Alex to practice sitting in since he loves climbing on the couch and trying to sit in his rocking chair. The problem with the rocking chair is that it rocks, and isn't stable enough for me to feel comfortable letting Alex play on it. Plus, he loves to knock it over and to climb on it sideways. So, it just figures that after 5 minutes of figuring out his new chair, I look from the kitchen and find Alex STANDING on the chair (no picture of that since I was running to grab him before he found a reason to tryout the emergency room). I guess he will always have to be very closely supervised no matter which chair he's figuring out!

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Last night, Daddy was looking in the fridge for a bottle, but apparently wasn't looking quickly enough. Alex pushed his way in front of him, climbed into the fridge, and found the bottle. Unfortunately for Alex, the bottle was empty, but never fear ... Alex knows what container holds the milk! After dragging out the carton of milk, he continued looking for food to flavor his milk. What a goof!


OK, that bottle is empty.


I know that milk is here some where.


Maybe some Ranch will taste good?


Or Caribbean Jerk?




Daddy, I insist!

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