Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Monkeying Around

OMG! (that's Oh My Gosh for those of you who don't know) Alex is officially a climber! It all started yesterday when he kept trying to throw his leg up on the couch and scurry up. Then all of a sudden, he was sitting proudly on the couch! It happened before I could even ready myself for it to happen. As Grandpa Art said, I'm in trouble now! Alex has been really good about getting down from the couch for about a week or so, so the challenge is really to make sure he doesn't try to catapult himself over the arms.

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Then, as if climbing on the couch wasn't enough of an accomplishment for one week, Alex decided he also needed to climb on his box of diapers last night after dinner and the laundry basket today. I was literally looking at the pictures I had just taken of him playing with his new blocks, when I looked up and saw him sitting on top of the laundry basket. This monkey is bananas! :-)


Climbing on his diaper box.


Playing with his new Mega Bloks table.


Post Mega Block throwing party.


Maybe the basket will fit on top.


Pushing the laundry basket away.



Alex has become a constant source of laughter. He's always trying something new and getting himself into some pretty hysterical situations. I hope you enjoy the next two pictures and this video as much as I enjoyed taking them!


I can fit …



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