Monday, March 5, 2012

I Can Do It By Myself

Alex has always been a pretty independent little boy, but this is bordering on crazy! A few weeks ago, he was "helping" me fold his laundry. I looked down, and saw that he'd pulled out a pair of socks from the laundry basket and was attempting to put the socks on. He hasn't figured out that he has to do more than just lay the sock on his foot, but goodness, when did he grow up so fast? He also tries to put his shoes on in the same way. I finally caught him in the act ...


Hmm, maybe Mom will take me outside if I put my shoes on.


First the left one …


…then the right one.


They have to go on somehow!


Wait a minute, you’re taking pictures!


If I look really cute and relaxed, will you help me?


Let me smell these shoes …



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