Thursday, April 3, 2014

Monkey Joes

I finally took Alex to Monkey Joes last week. He was a little intimidated at first – it’s pretty loud in there with all the blowers and the music blaring – but he ended up having a blast. I couldn’t believe how quickly he took to climbing, and how high he was able to go! Of course, he always came down on his stomach. The only time I got him to go down on his booty was when I went down with him. Next time, I might have to pay for Spencer and bring him on some slides. I think he’d have so much fun!

I wish this picture weren’t blurry – you can totally see Alex’s crush on Eva (who is also in our music class)
Sliding down on his belly.
Alex was SO proud of himself after climbing up the biggest slide there.
Check out his climbing skills!

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