Friday, April 4, 2014

Nature Museum with Cerys & Ace

The boys and I met Amanda and her kiddos at the Charlotte Nature Museum yesterday. Alex and I have been there 2 or 3 times before, but it’s been quite a while. We had so much fun! We actually spent most of our time there playing on their tunnels and slides that are part of a “water cycle” exhibit. That worked out really well, because the babies were able to play, too!

Spencer and Alex splashing in the water.
Oops – I don’t think they were supposed to get in the sandbox.
Spencer and Ace sharing the stethoscope on their way down the hall to find Alex and Cerys.
Spencer was slapping the glass and yelling at the bushes.
When we pulled up to the Nature Museum, Alex saw Cerys and said, “Yay, ,I so happy! I so happy I get to play with my friend.” I love that these two are growing up with each other!
Say cheese!

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