Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Grandma & Aunt Brie Visit

Grandma Lisa and Aunt Brie came as reinforcements last week while Tim was in Dallas for a work conference. Thank goodness they were able to stay a night – I lost my voice due to the remnants of the boys’ cold mixed in with allergies (and a week later, I’m still raspy and hoarse)! It was so nice to have some extra hands to love on my boys and keep them entertained.

Since our guests are animal lovers, we decided to visit Darby Acre Farms, which Alex and I visited last May. They now have a different format, so our visit was different and really more “up close and personal”. We were able to go into several pens and even held baby goats and baby sheep! The downside is that they are much more expensive and won’t be a regular stop of ours this spring/summer. Oh well, at least we had fun and got some great pictures!

Alex really loved the pigs this year.
Grandma and Spencer watching Alex and the pigs.
Alex was thrilled/intimidated to hold the baby goat.
This brown goat was his favorite.
Of course Aunt Brie held the 1 week-old goat!
This is Alex’s “this is so sweet” face. He got to pick out which bunny to pet.
Grandma and Spencer sharing a laugh.

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