Wednesday, May 28, 2014

North Carolina Zoo

Tim surprised us last week by taking Friday off, leaving him with a 4 day weekend! To start off our 4 day holiday, we took a field trip to the NC Zoo in Asheboro. We’d heard that the enclosures are beautiful and very large … and to be ready for a lot of walking. So, we were prepared with both our strollers (1 folded up under the other until it was needed), snacks, and tennis shoes. It was amazing! The animal enclosures were HUGE! It took us 6 hours to get through the zoo, and that was moving very quickly the last hour because they were closing! Next time we’ll have to arrive a little earlier and to start on the opposite side to spend quality time with all the animals.

Getting ready!
Tim and Alex looking at the alligators.
Spencer loved watching the seals swim around their tank.
Alex thought it was too funny to see this seal swimming upside-down.
Silly Alex!
Spencer was such a good little boy! He really enjoyed the exhibits and stayed very patient with us.
This baboon and Alex studied each other for quite a while (after Alex determined there was glass in the window and the monkey couldn’t get him).
See what I mean – the enclosures were beautiful! This was only one edge of the giraffe/zebra part. You could walk around to other vantage points, too. So cool!

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