Monday, May 19, 2014

Spencer is 10 Months!

Baby Spencer is growing up too fast! In the past 2 weeks, he has finally decided that he LOVES table food. He cracks me up when he crawls up to the couch, pulls himself up, puts his hand on my leg, and smacks his lips. He is telling me he’s ready to eat! He must be getting ready for a growth spurt, too, because he is eating non-stop and waking 2-3 times at night for bottles. Spencer said his 2nd word over the weekend (I’m saying “hi” is his first). While rolling a ball on the floor with Tim, he started saying, “ba ba ball”. He is also starting to make the “ma” sound every now and then. Of course, he’s been saying “da da” forever! We still think he’ll be walking before his birthday – he can stand for several seconds without holding on to anything and gets really excited when we try to help him walk. This boy is ridiculously independent. He wants to feed himself, so we had to abandon spoons quite a while ago. He will just laugh and laugh when you put table food on his tray for him to eat himself. When we pull his shirts off, he helps by trying to pull the shirt off his head! Oh, and speaking of his head, it looks like we’ll be getting his hair cut in the next week or so – it’s getting soo long!

Crazy boy wouldn’t smile for his 10 months pictures.
I think he just didn’t want to be by himself on the couch. He needed big brother!
Or maybe he was just biding his time for the big tackle!
There’s my smile!
Alex, 10 months
Spencer, 10 months, 1 week

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