Thursday, May 8, 2014

Easter 2014

Better late than never, right?

Easter at the Strunck house was pretty low-key this year. We’d had a couple of busy weekends and were really just looking forward to some time alone in our house. The Friday before, at our weekly playdate, Alex enjoyed an egg hunt. Then on Saturday, Tim and Alex watched our yard bunny hopping around and Tim told him it was the Easter Bunny waiting to leave him and Spencer presents. Talk about good timing! After everyone was up Sunday morning, we followed a trail of eggs up the steps and found baskets in the extra bedroom.

I forgot how cold it was that Friday! We had to bundle up!
The kids were so excited for the egg hunt. (Spencer stayed home with Tim.)
Eva was impressed by all the eggs Alex found.
What a good Easter bunny! He brought a huge egg filled with Hot Wheels.
Spencer loved his puffs and crackers.

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