Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Trucks in the Water

I don’t know about you, but we are getting tired of all this rain! Tim hasn’t been able to cut the grass, so the yard is out of control, and parks are out of the question since so much of Charlotte has been flooding. So what do you do when you are tired of playing inside, but not willing to join the crowds at all the indoor play spots? You turn on the sprinklers, of course!

Alex and I filled his water table boat with soap suds, turned on his sprinkler ring, and added much more water to our flooded yard today. Alex had a blast “bathing” me, all the while telling me that I was dirty and needed to be washed. I was soaked and cold! He also spent a lot of time crashing his trucks in the rocks and rescuing them with more trucks.

Washing baby dump truck.
Big truck to the rescue of baby dump truck and dig.
“Sitty down in the water, Mommy.”
“Beep … beep … beep.”

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