Monday, March 24, 2014

Alex DOES Eat

To those of you who think Alex doesn’t eat, check out this plate!


Alex requested “trees”, carrots, and applesauce for dinner. I added in the chicken meatballs. I wish I had thought to take a picture of the “after” … he really ate most of it! We were so impressed when the first thing he asked for was, “trees”. I guess he’s a fan of Ina Garten’s roasted broccoli!

First Day of Spring

We really enjoyed the first day of Spring last week!

Spencer enjoyed some sweet potatoes and corn.
Alex loved playing in the super wet yard and sand box.

New Car Seats!

My arms have definitely thanked me! We’ve moved Spencer out of the infant bucket seat and into Alex’s car seat. Thank goodness! I was having a hard time lifting that seat with all 20 pounds of Spencer in and out of the car! I think Spencer is happy too – he kicks his little legs and gets so excited when I put him in his new (to him) seat. That means Alex has the new seat! We purchased a Graco (of course – it’s owned by Rubbermaid!) seat that will convert to a booster seat once he’s big enough. His favorite features are the cup holder and toy holders.


Monday, March 17, 2014


This time last year, Alex called all flowers, no matter what color, “blue whites”. He was amazed by all the flowering trees and flowers, but every single one was a “blue white”. He has changed so much over the past year! He can now name all the different colors, and calls them flowers. Alex also loves picking flowers from the yard and bringing them in the house for me. What a gentleman!


Spencer is 8 Months!

Somebody make time slow down! How is Spencer 8 months old already? You already know that he is crawling and pulling up on everything. He can even take a few steps while holding onto the furniture. I love hearing his hands slapping the floor and his little giggle as he rounds a corner and finds Alex or me. Some of Spencer’s favorite activities include pulling my hair, trying to pull Tim’s tongue, and chasing Alex all over the house. We don’t have a well-check this month, so I weighed him out of curiosity … he is right at 20 pounds!

big smile cropped
Alex, 8 months
big smile
Spencer, 8 months

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Zootastic Park

Today was adventure day! We drove up past Mooresville to Zootastic Park, an up and coming animal park. They are still in their early phases of planning the park, but they had a great guided tour and we got to see some pretty neat animals. Alex had a blast, and from all the kicking in the carrier, Spencer seemed to enjoy himself as well!

Want to bring tears to your eyes? Check out this post from last May, when I took Alex to another petting farm, Darby Acres. He was just as in love with the goats then, too … but he looked like such a baby! Where are the tissues?

Alex loved feeding the baby goat.
Throwing food at the ostrich.
Petting a super sweet cow.
Spencer loved watching the animals running and jumping around.

This video just makes me smile. Alex was so enchanted with that one white billy goat.

Grandma to the Rescue!

Tim has had a busy few weeks at work: 2 weeks ago he was in Orlando, and last week he was in Raleigh. I actually had it pretty easy the first week with the boys, but Grandma came to my rescue for the 2nd week. Yay! We had a ton of fun, and even spent an afternoon at Discovery Place Kids (Alex has been asking to go back for months)! Here are a few pictures of our fun.

Sending up bricks to the 2nd story of the “brick factory”.
Alex and Grandma on the “pirate boat”.
Alex showing Spencer their route on the map.
Saying bye to Grandma. Thanks for coming!

Spencer on the Move

At 6.5 months, Spencer start “Army crawling” while we were in Spartanburg. He hasn’t stopped moving since! Over the past week (just shy of 8 months), he’s started “real” crawling, and boy is he fast! Last week, he also started pulling himself up to a stand on everything … my pants, the highchair, the coffee table, Kovu, etc. We are in trouble now!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

New Sandbox

Since last weekend was so warm, Tim finally had the chance to build our new sandbox. We knocked down the old play set a few weeks ago – unfortunately, it was rotting near the bottom and was no longer safe. All Alex really wanted was a sand box anyway. He refused to swing and said the slide was too fast. Our new sandbox isn’t as big as our awesome one in Wilmington, but it’s still pretty big! Alex and Spencer both had a blast after it was finished. Too bad it’s been wet and cold so far this week. Hopefully, we’ll get back in the sand this weekend.

The yard actually looks better without that rotting play set.
Spencer was so excited for me to put him in the sand.
I don’t think Spencer will get a turn on the digger for a while.
What a happy boy! I just love this smile.