Monday, October 21, 2013

Spencer’s 1st Train Ride

In a desperate attempt to get out of the house, I decided to take the boys to Concord Mills Mall last week. We haven’t been since before Spencer was born, so I was excited to walk around the mall while not pregnant! When I told Alex we were going to the mall, he surprised me by asking to see the “shark” and didn’t say a thing about the train. It took me a minute, but I figured out he meant the big catfish at the Bass Pro Shop. We had a lot of fun walking around, almost catching the fish feeding (the presenter talked too long and Alex got too antsy), riding the train, and eating French fries. We even spent a long time in the children’s play area (I usually try to avoid it) after Alex developed a crush on the pretty blonde girl he was chasing. Spencer was very well behaved, sleeping the first half of our walk and staying cheerful until we got to the car to go home.

Alex didn’t even know this was a ride until Cery’s birthday party in August. He definitely recognized it as a ride on our mall trip!
I was so excited that we happened to arrive just in time for a feeding. Too bad the nice guy spoke waaay too long and Alex got antsy and insisted on going back out into the mall.
Alex was so excited to have his pick of train cars.
This photo cracks me up. Spencer wasn’t scared, but I think the forward facing camera surprised him!

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