Monday, November 18, 2013

First Round of Colds

We seem to have survived our first round of colds with two sick children. Last Monday, both boys woke up with runny noses and fevers. So, we hunkered down, stayed out of the cold, and rested up. Luckily the fevers were gone by day 2 and the runny noses are mostly dried up by now. Poor Alex was pretty restless midweek – between staying inside due to the weather being cold and not being able to go anywhere because he had a cold, he must have been pretty tired of me. Poor Spencer’s bottom teeth are still pushing, so he had some rough evenings. I’m just glad I didn’t have to bring two sick babies to the doctor’s office! We’ll be going enough in the next month between Spencer’s 4 month check-up on Wednesday, Alex’s check-up in December, and my follow-up.

Here are a few pictures of our lazy week:

All cozy on the couch!
Alex was playing games on the Nexus and watching a movie on tv. Spoiled!
Showing Spencer how to play.
Spencer fell asleep in the 3 minutes between changing him and leaving him to get a snack for Alex.

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