Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Freedom Park

We met our friend, Liam, at the Charlotte Nature Museum a few days ago. All three boys had tons of fun! After running around the museum, we took them to the new playground at Freedom Park. Along with a new playground, there is also a child-sized Panthers Football practice field. What a fun day! To top it off, the nice guy in the drive-thru window at Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins gave us free donuts with our milkshake purchase. Yum!

Freedom Park (39)
I think Spencer thought the stuffed animals in the indoor playground/water cycle exhibit were real. He kept trying to talk to this one.
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This outdoor xylophone was quite a hit!
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While Spencer serenaded us, Alex and Liam took a break on a dragonfly.
Freedom Park (32)  Freedom Park (30)
Buggy Alex!
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Spencer, practicing his footwork.
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Alex and Liam racing across the field.
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Spencer and his bananas!
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I’m not sure my “superstars” understood the point of this photo booth!
Freedom Park (5)
Last minute stop in the old train before heading home.

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