Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Alex is 4 Years Old!

Today was Alex’s 4 year well-child appointment. I had been dreading this appointment for a few months because I knew Alex would need at least one vaccination. There are no shots at the 3 year visit, and I’ve heard that 4 year shots are hard because they are old enough to be scared and big enough to fight. Why was I assuming Alex would be like everyone else? His biggest fears … he didn’t want a band-aid and he didn’t want to be “sick”. He was pumped about getting a shot! He did great! No tears … actually, I don’t think he even believes he got a shot. Then he asked for the band-aid to go on top of his clothes. Whatever works, right?

Here are the stats!

Height: 40.5 inches … 56th %ile (he’s grown 3 inches since last year)

Weight: 36.6 pounds … 56th %ile (he’s gained about 3 pounds since last year)

Alex has really come into his own. He enjoys picking out his own clothes and getting dressed. He brushes his teeth and uses the bathroom by himself. We love listening to his always expanding vocabulary and creative stories/songs. His mind is always running! School is still is favorite thing to do and he loves his teachers and Ethan. Alex is the best big brother … always looking out for Spencer, (mostly) sharing with and playing with him. We couldn’t be prouder of our amazing 4-year-old!

My how time flies:

1st Birthday
2nd Birthday Well-Check
3rd Birthday Well-Check
4th Birthday Well-Check

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