Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tiger World

We finally made it to Tiger World last weekend! It’s been on our list since we moved here and I heard that it was actually a fun place to go. Tiger World is a small nonprofit animal park that rescues and rehabs exotic animals. While the have many tigers, they also have lions, bears, baboons, peacocks, wolves, and a few other animals. They’re expanding and will open a reptile house, so we’ll definitely have to go back again with Brie and Kelsey. The animals have fairly large enclosures and all appear happy, so that’s good. Sometimes these rescue places can be pretty sketchy. We had a blast – and we didn’t even need our stroller! Spencer was so excited to just walk around like Alex.

I love that Kovu sleeps in the same position as this tiger. We also saw many lions sleeping like this.

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