Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Snow Much Fun

We had a blast playing in the snow the past few days! Actually, I guess we saw snow for over a week. Two weekends ago, we saw a few flurries. Then on Wednesday, we went outside and played in more flurries. Friday’s snow was super exciting … the first thing Alex did when he woke up was look out the window and then ran to tell us. We showed Spencer the snow and he immediately asked if we could play outside! Charlotte ended up with a lot of ice and had to cancel school on Monday and Tuesday. Thankfully, our preschool’s parking lot, along with the main roads, were thawed by Monday afternoon, so Alex still had school today. I know he was ready to be back!

Gathering snow on Wednesday to bring inside to eat.
Eating snow their first snow of 2016!
All Spencer wanted to do was rake the snow.
Alex showing his snowball. The snow was actually too icy to do much with.
By the time we checked out the front yard, the boys started throwing snow in between bites.
Snow for dinner … why not?
We also played legos in the snow…
And vacuumed the snow…
Even grilled in the snow!

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