Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Best Buddies

Alex and Spencer have always enjoyed each others’ company. Lately though, they are the best of friends. They are so cute together! Spencer tells me every morning, “I don’t want A-ex go to school. Want A-ex stay home with me. Stay play with me.” It’s just too precious! Alex says Spencer is his “best buddy” and his “favorite brother.” Between the cold and the rain, we’ve been a bit bored in our house … I guess that’s a good thing because the boys are playing together all the time now. They play hide-and-seek, chase, drive cars around, sit in their tent together, build legos with each other, cuddle with a blanket … the list just goes on and on. We are just so happy to see them so close!

They love squeezing into the one-seater racecar.
Crazy pillow talk.
Lazy Friday morning crazy hair and Jurassic Park.
Alex loves teaching Spencer how to play the XBox.

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