Thursday, December 29, 2011

Over the River and Through the Woods

We spent a very busy few days on the road for Christmas this year, but Santa still managed to find us! Our living room looks like Toys R' Us exploded in it.

We started off with a road trip to Spartanburg and a few side visits to see lots of family and some old friends. Luckily, we never encountered much traffic and Alex is a pretty good car rider. On our last trip, we figured out the best way to travel is to fold the front seat of the XTerra down (so I can still see where we're going) and I sit in the back with Alex. Tim is our chauffeur and Kovu hangs out in the very back. It works out pretty well!

Next, we passed through Columbia and did Christmas all over again with the Strunck family. Once again, Alex was spoiled, but who wouldn't want to spoil the Cheese?

We hope you all had a very merry Christmas and that you enjoy a prosperous New Year! If you're in Wilmington on New Year's Day, come eat some collards and black-eyed peas with us!

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