It is amazing to me how much Alex can learn in one day! He truly is a little sponge, constantly soaking up as much as he can. I've been trying to "let go" a little and let him try feeding himself. He's been great feeding himself little crackers and Cheerios and things like that, but he's been boycotting anything sticky or slimy. This is why I was so surprised when he pointed to the banana I was eating the other day. I gave him half of it and he loved it! More impressively, he actually got most of the banana in his mouth and ate it! Woo hoo! So today, I decided to let him try eating his yogurt with a spoon. We've tried this before, but he just liked to hit the spoon inside the yogurt container. He's been mimicking me a lot, so I modeled eating yogurt with a spoon ... and he immediately scooped some up with his spoon and put it in his mouth! I was so amazed! Of course, the spoon was upside down and most of it got on his face, but hey, we're making progress! I was so excited that after we got cleaned up, we went shopping for some shorter spoons. :-) I hope you enjoy the videos ... they are both pretty long, but he was being too funny for me to shorten them. The video on the left is after he surprised me by feeding himself the yogurt this morning and the video on the right is eating applesauce later in the day with a shorter spoon. Oh, and we finally found a camera battery with a charge and my tripod (given to us by wonderful Aunt Beth and Uncle Eric last year), which is why the quality and length of the video is so much better! Alex seemed to be enamored with the blinking light ... enjoy! (Oh, you will get to see a bit of his temper, too!)
 Eating a banana.
|  Very proud of himself!
 Scooping up some yogurt.
|  Trying his fingers.
 Take 2 with a smaller spoon.
|  Dipping his teething cookie.
 Two handed!
|  My sneaky way to clean up.