Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This Boy’s Got Rhythm!

Well, I am back from my hiatus! It's been a week since my surgery, and my hand is healing really well. We enjoyed having Grandma and Grandpa Murff up for a week to baby-sit while Tim and I went to a Corning post-holiday party and to help out with Alex after the surgery. I really, really enjoyed the break from changing diapers, but I was back on duty as of Sunday. It was nice while it lasted!! But, enough about me!

As you know, Alex has always loved music. We always had music playing throughout the house while I was pregnant and we caught him dancing to "Shake Your Booty" during his 18 week ultrasound (the ultrasound tech had a radio playing). He loves to clap and wiggle and "be-bop" to music in the car, in the grocery store, and in the house. Still, we were surprised by some of the moves he pulled out while dancing to our new disco station on Pandora! See for yourselves! Watch for the shoulder shake and head banging!

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