Tuesday, November 13, 2012


You’d never know it, but Alex has been fighting some kind of bug for close to a month. He doesn’t seem to realize it, but he’s had a low grade fever almost every day and is on his 2nd ear infection (at least in a different ear this time) in the past month. I took him to the doc yesterday and we got some stronger medicine for the new ear infection, in hopes of finally killing this bug. Then … he decided to take it up a notch and started wheezing last night. I called the on-call nurse, and we decided he could wait until today to see a doc. When I took him in, he ended up getting a breathing treatment with a nebulizer. He did not like that one bit! Luckily the one I’ve given him here at home went much smoother. In case you don’t know what a nebulizer does, it just vaporizes medicine into a fine mist, like a humidifier. You are supposed to put the mouth piece in your mouth so the mist doesn’t escape, but it’s kind of hard to get an almost 2-yr-old to cooperate. Instead, I have to hold the mist in front of his face and hope he gets most of it. At least it makes a huge difference! We’ll be doing these every 4 hrs for the next few days, so cross your fingers it goes well and that he gets better soon!

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