Monday, July 14, 2014

Spencer is 1 Year Old!

A year ago, my baby was still in the NICU for pneumonia treatment! Time has passed so quickly! I’m so thankful for the amazing nurses who took such great care of Spencer after I was discharged from the hospital. It was so hard going back and forth to see/feed him those few days. But … now he’s 1 year old!!


Spencer is such a busy little boy. He always wants to be in the middle of the action, whether it’s the dryer, the open refrigerator, the bathroom while it’s in use, Alex’s train tracks or race tracks … I think you get the picture. He LOVES playing with cars and trucks and will roll them back and forth and push them around the house. He is finally saying “ma” from time to time, though it’s mostly when he’s mad/hungry/tired. He’s taking 2-3 steps at a time, then he’ll huff and crawl really quickly to where ever he was trying to go. Spencer was a great eater til about a week ago – he loves chicken of all kinds, meatballs, and pulled pork, yogurt, fruit, peas, waffles, and bagels. But now, he has several teeth pushing and some sad looking swollen gums, so he’s more interested in cold bottles and fruit pouches these days.

Here are Spencer’s 1 year stats!

Height: 30 in … 56th %ile (grew 8 inches this year) - Alex was 30.75 inches

Weight: 23.5 lbs …. 81st %ile (gained 15 lbs this year) – Alex was 23 lbs 14 oz

Head: 48 cm … 95th %ile – Alex was 48.75 cm

Since I’ll be posting tons of pictures from his birthday party, I’ll just do my Spencer/Alex comparison here:

Alex on his first birthday.
Spencer at his first birthday party.

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