Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Alex has been asking for a while when he can sleep in our bed. He’s never spent longer than 5-10 minutes in our bed after wandering to our room in the middle of the night. For some reason though, he’s been begging to sleep in our bed. Tim had to work out of town Monday night, so I told Alex he could have a sleepover in my bed. He was SOO EXCITED! I told him to bring whatever he wanted to my bed while I was singing to Spencer. I came into the room to find his pillow and about 10 stuffed animals! He ended up sleeping like a champ … I did not! It was an adventurous night, but I loved it!

This is how Alex fell asleep.
The next morning … notice my pillow is halfway off the bed!
This boys has always been a crazy sleeper! This is how we found him a week ago.

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