Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It’s Been a While!

Hey guys! Sorry for the break! Things just keep getting busier. I meant to post an update last week with Alex's new statistics from his 15 month check-up, but never got to it with all the preparations for my weekend of company. Grandma and Grandpa Murff came in Wednesday and Aunt Beth and Uncle Eric came in Friday to celebrate my big 3-0 and St. Patty's Day. Now that things are a little slower, I'm forcing myself to use nap time to make a few posts (bedtime will be for shoveling sand into Alex's new sandbox, but more about that later).

Alex went in for his 15 month wellness check-up on March 12th. He was a little grumpy since it was nap time, but overall, he was a good sport. Luckily, we only had to get 1 vaccination, so that was a relief! He seems like he's grown a ton since December, so we were pretty excited to see his new numbers - but to our surprise, there wasn't much of a change. I guess the full-time walking and running and climbing and general constant mischief is the reason for looking so much bigger! :-)

March Numbers:
Length: 31 inches ... 46%ile (gained 1/4 in)
Weight: 25 lbs, 12 oz ... 67%ile (gained almost 2 lbs)
Head: 49.25 cm ... 94%ile (gained 1/2 a cm)

I dressed my sweet Alex up a bit the other day in the hopes of getting some cute spring pictures. I managed to get a few, but it sure is hard!!

IMG_4280.1 IMG_4283

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