Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April Favorites

I just wanted to share a few of my favorite moments and pictures of Alex from the past few weeks:


Dog Crazy: (Yes, they are goats!

Obviously, Alex loves dogs. He's gotten really good lately at pointing at any dogs he sees while we are walking around the block or if we're out downtown. Depending on his mood, he'll say "dog" while he is pointing. He's even started pointing out the dogs in his books we read to him before bed. Maybe all furry animals are dogs to Alex ... while we were at the zoo with Uncle Dave and the crew, Alex pointed at the goats and called them dogs. So cute!!


Dip Fanatic:

Daddy showed Alex how to dip a fry into ketchup and blue cheese the other day. The ketchup was not a hit at first, but he went crazy for the blue cheese! He wouldn't even eat the fry, but kept dipping it back into the dressing. I think Alex got the I-Have-To-Dip-Everything Strunck Gene his Daddy and Aunts share. Here he is dipping his Chick-Fil-A fry into some ketchup. He even ate a few bites of his chicken finger. (Yay - he's not a vegetarian yet!)

100_0156Munchkin Friends:

This was the best picture out of many my friend Amanda and I tried to get of our little munchkins. When Cerys first arrived, Alex was not very sure what to think of her, but by the time she left, she was definitely missed! Miss Cerys loved to hug and kiss on Alex, but he always had the funniest look of surprise on his face. Thank goodness he isn't girl crazy yet!

IMG_4431Copy Cat:

I've posted before that Alex has become a little copy cat, but I'm still so amazed at some of the things he chooses to copy. He was fighting a cold a while back, so Daddy and I had been taking his temperature a lot to make sure he wasn't getting another ear infection. During one particularly angry diaper change, I handed Alex the thermometer in a fit of desperation - he grabbed it, pressed the button to turn it on, and stuck it in his ear. We always take his temp in both ears, so he did the same! I was laughing by the time he was done. I love this picture because it not only shows him taking his temp, but it shows his "ear face". He makes this face any time we take his temp, clean his ears in the tub, or the doctor looks in his ears with the light. It is just too funny.

IMG_4528Sports Lover:

How did I end up with a son who is so sports crazy when I was a band geek my whole life? At least he loves banging on his drums, so I don't have to give up my band mom dreams yet! :-) I love that Alex will try every toy at least once, especially if it involves a ball. We were at a play date and Alex picked up this little lacrosse stick and balanced the ball in it like he was born doing it. He did the same thing with a football yesterday ... just picked it up and threw it like he was the next USC quarterback. I better start learning more about sports!

Last, but not least, here’s a “then and now”.


3 weeks old


16 months old

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