Wednesday, June 13, 2012

18 Month Check-Up

Today was Alex’s 18 month check-up. Thank goodness there were no shots or finger pricks this time! He was a little nervous at first, but after giving Daddy lots of hugs and kisses, he decided to be a brave big boy. I love our doctor, and I think Alex does too, because he was definitely showing off to her by the end of the appointment.

Here are his 18 month stats:

Height: 33.5 inches … 76 %ile (gained 2.5 inches since March!)

Weight: 26 pounds, 6 ounces … 57 %ile (gained 10 ounces)

Head: 50 cm … 95 %ile (gained 3/4 cm)

He talks all day long to Tim and me, but we are still waiting for a clearer vocabulary. He definitely has some words we can clearly understand: mama, dada, dog, duck, juice, up, there, this, uh-oh, and out. He is great at using hand gestures and facial expressions to show us what he wants, and of course, there are some tantrums too. I know, it’s hard to believe this sweet little guy could throw a tantrum, right? He understand so much of what we say. I love asking him to do something and seeing the little light bulb go off in his head when he realizes what I’d like him to do. We are so excited to see what the next 6 months bring!

Showing off on the playground.

Sitting in his chair under the house.

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