Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fort Fisher in June

I was going to take Alex to the Aquarium today, but as soon as I saw vacationers parking in the over-flow parking lot, we changed plans and headed the few miles down the road to Fort Fisher instead. We’ve been to Fort Fisher several times. It’s a great place to walk on a pretty day (and it’s free!), so Alex and I tend to go there when we’re bored. This is the first time I didn’t start him in his stroller or bike – we just held hands through the welcome center and started exploring. Man, we had tons of fun! He was very interested in the old ships’ anchors and loved seeing the view of the river from the boardwalk on the back side of the Fort. What impressed me the most is that he even looked at some of the exhibits inside the welcome center. Here are pictures of the fun.

Alex had been grasping my hand pretty tightly, until he saw the huge anchors!

Wow, look at this!

Trying to climb up.

Inspecting the inside of the cannon.

My little history buff.

What’s next?

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