Monday, June 11, 2012

First Hair Cut

The very top bit of Alex’s hair was the first to grow in after losing his first round of hair. That hair was long enough that it was tangling and getting in his eyes unless it was super humid, causing it to curl way up. Since this hair was getting kind of out of control, Tim and I had been discussing trimming just enough that Alex didn’t look disheveled all the time. One minute, Alex is calmly playing with his crayons in his high chair, and the next I’ve cut his hair! If you know me at all, you’ll know that once I was done and holding that baby hair in my hand that I started crying. Haha. I ran to get his baby book and we taped it in before I could drop any. We didn’t even think to take a picture of the whole process, it happened so fast. Oh well – the top row of pictures show how kind of crazy his hair was getting and the bottom two show the freshly trimmed hair. I think I did a pretty good job!


You can see how that hair can get annoying when it’s not super curly like in the next picture.

photo 1


photo 4

Alex was busy throwing crayons around the kitchen, so he didn’t even notice his hair cut.

photo 5

It looks good!

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