Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Alex’s Growing Vocabulary

I don’t know if Alex was just showing off for his guests this weekend or what, but he sure did talk a lot! We’re used to a lot of jibber-jabber, but the boy ran his mouth all day! It was wonderful!! The best part is – we actually understood a lot of what he was saying. He’ll be speaking in sentences soon. Here are his new words:

~I handed him his cup, he looked at it, and said dump truck while showing me the dump truck on the cup.

~While stacking cars with Aunt Beth, he told her his police car was under his truck.

~After dropping all his cars behind the entertainment center, he said uh-oh dropped it.

~Alex has quite an arm and loved tossing the football around with us, and he said football too!

~Today, he handed me his empty cup and said all gone. He said the same thing to Grandpa Murff about the lizard that had just run off. Here’s a picture of the lizard we had been chasing:


I just love hearing all these words coming out of my sweet boy’s mouth! I’m so proud of him!

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