Thursday, September 27, 2012

Loving Fall Afternoons on the Beach

As the days get shorter, we have found that late afternoon walks on the beach are the perfect end to busy days. We don’t have to slather Alex in sunscreen since the sun is behind the first row of beach houses, Tim and I have a chance to unwind from our busy day, and we all get to enjoy the perks of living 5 minutes from the beach. There is just nothing like watching your beautiful son walk out on the beach and just take it all in – it’s like he’s already learned to appreciate nature and her beauty. He’s off running around like crazy after a minute or two, but I love those first minutes of wonder and amazement.

I was able to capture a great video of Alex playing on the cliff of sand at the water’s edge and playing in the water. He is getting braver and braver every time we go out!

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