Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Power of Play

Alex and I played with a few other moms from our MOMS Club at Power of Play last week. Power of Play has a  bunch of indoor playgrounds, fast slides, and fun centers for kids of all ages to play in. It’s great during school hours, because we know the oldest child we might see would be a 4 or 5 year old – meaning our little ones can go crazy. This was actually the first time Alex and I played there, but I definitely see return trips in our future! Alex doesn’t usually cry when it’s time to leave, but he did this day! He had such a blast!

Climbing up …

… and up!

Yelling down the slide to be sure I’m at the bottom.

Here is comes! What a brave boy!

There is a HUGE playground towards the back of the building. By big, I mean almost the width and height of my house. Alex kept trying to conquer the first few steps so he could follow some new friends up and around. Long story short, I helped him up the steps, then stood back to watch. He played for quite a while, but then decided he didn’t actually want to come down the HUGE slides. I ended up having to crawl all the way up to show him the way down. After that, he mostly stuck with the centers … trucks, trains, and blocks of course!

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