Monday, October 15, 2012

Wilmington Railroad Museum

Since we are officially in the middle of Alex’s train obsession, we took him to the Wilmington Railroad Museum last weekend. The museum was hosting a model train expo, so it seemed like a great opportunity to take him to see both real and model trains.

As soon as Alex got out of the car, he heard a train whistle and asked, “choo-chool?” He was so excited to walk into the first room of the museum and see model trains chugging everywhere he looked! He was a little shy at first, wanting to be held, but eventually he was running from room to room in excitement. The model room was my favorite! They had tons of elaborate models set up with “challenges”. Model train enthusiasts volunteer at the museum and teach you how to control the trains and help you complete these challenges. Fun!


I love how you can see his mouth saying “choo-choo”!


Entranced by the trains circling the tracks.


Alex was a little intimidated inside the old steam engine.

Blowing raspberries and telling me he’s ready to step off the caboose.

The “wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man” was almost as interesting as the model trains!

After drooling over trains for a while (Tim did his fair share of drooling!), we took Alex for a walk on the Riverwalk and hunted down a place for lunch. Alex still loves walking on sidewalks and following paths – so he did a great job walking the Riverwalk and watching for boats! By the time we made it back to our car, Alex was exhausted! I think he was asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot.


Taking a little break and admiring the view.


A view of the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge

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